What are the Benefits?

There are many benefits of having mouthguards when playing contact sports.  It’s obvious that you will be at risk of fewer mouth injuries that prevent damage to the oral tissues, lips and teeth. However, sports guards protect much more than just your teeth from being knocked out; they also help to minimise the impact of collisions.

Impact Sports

In our opinion, it is strongly advisable to wear a professionally made mouthguard if you play impact sports.  Any impact to the face, either from a ball or another player, can cause shock waves to travel through your jaw area leading to bone damage, or a direct hit can shatter or chip a tooth. Dental injuries in fact are a common occurrence in the kinds of sports outlined above. A mouthguard will not help prevent chipping or breaking teeth as a result of impact, it will act as an effective shock absorber to help protect against a painful broken or dislocated jaw.